The Manchu Alphabet and Transcribing

To enhance comprehension and transliteration, the Manchu script can be transcribed into the Latin alphabet using a series of techniques. Presented here is an alphabet of Manchu letters.

The provided excerpt is sourced from the book "A Manchu Grammar: With Analysed Texts," authored by the German linguist Von Möllendorff P G. This pioneering work laid a solid foundation for unraveling the intricacies of the Manchu Language. It stands as the inaugural published resource that systematically outlines the alphabet, transcription rules, grammar, and relevant techniques – which remain relevant in contemporary usage.

Within this book, Von Möllendorff P. G. introduces an innovative framework that categorizes Manchu letters into four distinct genres. Notably, the author highlights the dynamic nature of these letters, showcasing how their appearance can vary significantly based on their position within a word. This phenomenon is explored across different scenarios: when the letter initiates a word, when it occupies a middle position, when it concludes a word, or when it stands independently.

By skillfully utilizing these forms, the Manchu script can be transcribed into Latin letters, enabling to bridge the linguistic gap between Manchu and other languages and conduct effective translation.